Ok, ok - let me explain. Most of you know that my Dad is a Jeweler. When I lived in Vegas, a girl I worked with wanted her diamond tightened on her Wedding Ring. I was coming home for the weekend, so I agreed to take the ring to my Dad and have him work on it while I was in town. When I got to my parents house, I couldn't find the ring ANYWHERE. I remembered that I had wrapped the ring in tissue paper and placed it in my car...somewhere. After many hours of searching and panicking, I came to the conclusion that I must have thrown it away with some other garbage when I stopped for gas in Cedar City. I cried my eyes out when I told her what happened and she was very understanding. I paid for a new ring (turns out she had wanted to replace her old one, anyway!) and all was well. Lesson learned - ever since that experience, if someone gives me a ring to give to my Dad, I wear it on my finger!

Every time I go to the grocery store, I organize the items in my cart. It's like Tetris. Big, heavier things go in the back of the cart, lighter things can be stacked and closer to the front. Cody thinks this is hilarious, especially since he just tosses things in the cart when we shop (which makes me crazy). I honestly will go back and organize it so everything has it's own little spot.

Yep! I'm not ashamed. I never listened to heavy metal or glam rock growing up. I idolized my older sister (still do), so I listened to and loved whatever she listened to (The Smiths, Morissey, The Samples...you get the idea). I had always liked Monster Ballads and a few rock songs here and there, but it wasn't until I met Cody that my true love of metal surfaced. Bon Jovi is one of my favorites along with Def Leppard and a little of Skid Row. Oh dear! I also enjoy The Darkness like you wouldn't believe. I once told my little brother that if I ever saw Bon Jovi in concert, I would show him my boobs. He thought this was hilarious and decided to tell that to all of his friends. Thanks, Rich...

I love to throw parties, this is no secret. What you probably don't know is that the day of a party I am in a frenzy cleaning my house. My husband is always telling me, "Don't worry about that, it looks fine, they won't care". The thing is, I care! I try to stay on top of the cleaning, I do - but sometimes I just fall behind and have to do some serious catching up. I get so nervous when someone comes over and my kitchen is messy or the floor needs to be vacuumed. It's exhausting and I wish it didn't get to me, but I can't help it!

I don't mind singing at Weddings, in Church, or other places that a large group is assembled. But don't even try to get me to sing in front of 3 people...I can't do it. I get way too nervous. Once when Cody and I were just barely dating, he asked me to sing while we were up at his friends cabin. I think there were 3 or 4 people around and I thought I sounded so lame. I was like, "Ok, he's dumping me after this weekend". I even have a hard time singing in front of Cody! If I have to sing for something, I like to rehearse and get his opinion, but I hate having to sing in front of just him. I also don't like to make eye contact with people when I sing - you know how when you see two famous people singing a duet together and they can look into each other's eyes and sing their hearts out? Yeah, can't do it. Way too cheesey, I'd probably bust out laughing.
So there you have it! Hopefully this is the last time I get tagged...who knows what depths of my dark past I would delve into if I were to be asked again.
I had no idea we shared the same singing phobia! No one believes me when I tell them I hate singing in front of small groups of people . . . especially ones with people I know! If I'm singing with you it's totally different though! LOVEAYEW!
I have been to a bon jovi concert...you arent missing anything. I loved these stories, we miss you guys!
Hahahahahaha. I'm laughing my head off at the thought of you flashing Bon Jovi...
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