This weekend, my whole family went to Vegas to see the show, LOVE. I have never been to a Vegas show before and I was completely blown away, to say the least! Let me tell you a little story. I grew up listening to The Beatles. My sister and brothers and I listened to them all the time. We listened to them during road trips, at Lake Powell, at home - ALL THE TIME. My sister lives in Vegas and she saw this show a few months ago. She said it was fabulous and that we all had to drive down there and see it together. Most of you know that my family is extremely close, so it was a blast to spend the weekend together! On Saturday night we went out to dinner and then headed over the The Mirage for the show. We had great seats and we were all SO excited!! The lights dimmed...the show began...it started out slow and quiet..then suddenly the music got super loud and the lights came up and confetti was falling everywhere! People were swinging on ropes and there were dancers and so many colors. I burst into tears - literally. My hands were over my mouth and tears were just streaming down my face. I was just overwhelmed! I looked at my family and they were all doing the same thing. Sitting through that show brought back so many memories of our childhood and growing up together. The show was incredible, and there were many times when I had to wipe tears away so I could actually see. Cody was awesome - he knew how much this show meant to me and my family and it made everything perfect to have him there sharing this with me. When the show was over, we all stayed in our seats for a while. We just hugged and cried and laughed. I don't really know how to explain that feeling. I feel very lucky to have those memories of growing up on Center Street with my family - it's crazy to think that a show could bring up so many emotions! I'm sure that if I see LOVE again, I won't be as emotional as I was this past weekend. I'm just so glad I got to share it all with my husband and my family!

Here is a picture of Cody and I after the show. My eyes were tired from all the tears! Ahh, Cody is so wonderful. I'm sure he didn't realize that when he married me he would have to get used to the fact that I cry at everything. But rather than roll his eyes, he just gives me a hug and lets me have my little moment! Mmm, he's so cute.

Some other things did happen this weekend that didn't involve family memories and tears. I was able to see my friend Sara on Friday night!! I love her. She is so fabulous. She moved to Vegas last May and I miss her like crazy. Her husband and son joined Cody and I for dinner. We talked forever and it was so nice to be able to catch up! Sara is having a baby girl in April and Sara looks beautiful. Look how cute she is! I, on the other hand, look like I've been up for 36 hours. I get to see Sara again at the end of the month - some friends and I are going down to Vegas for a few days!! I can't wait.

This is Cache enjoying the road trip. Haha! My parents drove, so Cody and I were in the back with the little Cache Man. We brought our portable DVD player so he could watch some movies on the way. He was such a good traveler! All in all, the trip was super fun. It went by really fast, we were only there for two days! But we were able to get in some family time and relax just a little.
Goodness! This post was much longer than anticipated! Hope you enjoyed the posting - now go buy tickets for that Beatles show, you'll love it!
Look at Cache and his airline pilot headphones!! And I'm so glad you got to spend time with your family! They are great. LOVE the Patches. Love! HA!! hahahahaha.
I love Vegas shows and I have heard that is a good one. Sounds Like so much fun!
Goodness, I'm so jealous. Brian and I have been dying to see it. (You know, Brian still thinks that he IS Paul McCartney sometimes...) Sounds fun. Now you make us want to see it even more. Glad you had such a great weekend!
It looks like you had a great time! So fun that you got to do this with your whole family! I hope you also got some nice sunshine in while you were down there!
I am so glad you had such a great time. You must be one of the sweetest people I know Julia! I am so happy that you have such a wonderful family and that you had such a wonderful time!
Awww! Sara! She looks FAB! She keeps saying she's fat, but heavens...she looks great! Sounds like an awesome show too. I had never heard of it, but Frank would LOVE that! Someday, someday...
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