My friend Whitney does this thing on her Blog called "Flashback Friday" where she posts pictures or stories of special things that have happened in the past few years. So here is my "Flashback....Tuesday?" I realized that this week will mark the 4th Anniversary of when Cody proposed. I tried to find the pictures that were taken right after he popped the question - to no avail. Instead, I have included a pic that was taken right after we came out of the Temple. When Cody proposed, I was totally surprised - I had NO idea. I mean, we had talked about getting married and we had picked out the ring, but I still wasn't really expecting it. That weekend we had planned on snowmobiling and staying up at our friend, Adam's cabin (where we had first met two years earlier). We had finished eating dinner and were all sitting around the fire in the Living Room talking. I was sitting next to Cody in this big chair and actually fell asleep! I woke up to him rubbing my leg saying, "...most you know that Jewels and I met up here about two years ago..." I kinda sat up, still really sleepy. Then he said, "...and then we fell in love. I love her very much and I want to spend the rest of my life with her.." Naturally, this got my attention and now I was fully awake. Just in time, too! Right after he said that he got down on one knee!! I immediately started to cry as he said, "Julia, will you marry me?" I was so happy, I wrapped my arms around him before I answered! I pulled away and said, "Yes! Yes!" Ahhh, it was perfect. I'm glad he woke me up, I nearly slept through the proposal! He is a dream, my best friend and I love him so much. I'm glad we have each other!
To quote Katy, you two are
"the tenderest of the tender!" As your friend who was there for the heartbreak before Cody and who was there when he came into your life, I am so glad you have each other too, because you're so perfect for each other. And we all love Cody.
I LOVE IT! What a sweet Flashback man! Your hair looks beautiful in the other post two and you look so beautiful here!
I loved hearing this stoy...Love flashback tuesday...i might need to try that out.
Such a cute story...by the way you are a posting fiend! I better get busy!
Awww, tenderonies...
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