In other news, Cody and I went to dinner at my Aunt and Uncle's (Mike and Linda) house last night. We had the best time! The food was so yummy and it was great just sitting around chatting. I adore them - hopefully we can do something again soon.
And the boys are finally feeling better! Cache has a little cough, but other than that they are doing great! I'm so ready for Winter and the sick season to be over. I want so badly to let my kids play in the backyard while I weed my flowerbeds. And that itch I get every February about putting a hanging plant on my porch? Don't even get me started - it's taking everything I have not to go out to Home Depot and find some perennial. So! To wallow in sadness about the fact that it isn't Summer yet, I thought I would list the things I love during Summertime -
1 - BBQ's in our backyard with our friends
2 - The sound of lawnmowers
3 - Tanlines
4 - Driving around with the windows down
5 - It being light outside until 9:30 at night...Summer can't get here soon enough!
PS - Before I sign off, I should mention that Cody and I have seriously been looking at some homes in PG. First and foremost - we'll have to get this house ready to sell, but with any luck we'll have a house picked out in no time!
Hey girl! I don't have my cell phone this morning, Ryan has it. So I don't have your number... Give me a call!
Awww Tayv! I love her so. Happy Birthday!
Also, send pictures of possible houses please! Can't wait to see!
All I gotta to say to that is WAAAAHOOO!!
Happy Birthday to Tayva!
We are looking at homes in PG as well. Let us know if there is anything you see that you would suggest checking out. ;)
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