1. If you could go back and tell your teenage self one thing, what would it be?
Hmm...maybe to be a little more responsible. My teenage years were fantastic, but I was pretty flighty when it came to a lot of things. Surprised? Didn't think so.
2. Did you do any extra-curricular activities in High School?
I was in Drama and the Orchestra (hot, right?). Because of those two things I did a lot of competitions and traveling.
3. What did you do with your free time?
I hung out with my friends whenever possible - we had hundreds of sleepovers and made lots of silly movies. When I got my license we spent many a Friday night Cruising the "8" for boys! Ahh, youth.
4. Coolest thing you did as a Teenager?
I don't think I can pick one thing in particular - waking up early to drive up to the State Football Game, planning date dances, being in the school talent shows, plays - I had a blast back then, so I thought everything I did was the coolest.
5. Did you have a boyfriend in High School?
Aye, I did. I never dated anyone from my school, both of my 'High School Sweethearts' were graduated and had gone to different schools.
6. Any favorite songs come to mind?
I was really into Oldies when I was in High School - I listened to them all the time. Whenever I listen to the Oldies station now I always think of being a teenager. I actually made a CD of songs that were popular back then for our reunion and those totally took me back! 'Tubthumping', 'How Bizarre', 'Breakfast at Tiffanys'...
7. If you could change one thing, what would it be?
I would have paid more attention in school - I was a little too social for my own good! That and I would have been nicer to people...
8. What did you think you would be when you grew up?
I was interested in becoming an Egyptologist, an actress and a Mother. My Ancient World History Teacher (Ms. Schoonmaker!!) had us study ancient Egypt and I was fascinated - I was sure I would go into that field. Obviously that never happened, but 2 out of 3 isn't bad!
9. Picture of self?
Oh dear. Haha, no lie - I really thought I had it going on in High School! Just like most people, I look back at old pictures and have NO idea what I was thinking. I didn't have any style and I didn't know how to do my hair (which is why it was always really long and really straight), braces were present and I was awkward. Luckily, I didn't realize most of this at the time and had a pretty high self-esteem.
10. Craziest thing you did in High School?
This will seem weak to other 'crazy' confessions, but here we go - My Senior year, all the Senior girls had a sleepover in the Commons on the Thursday night before Senior Sluff Day (you with me so far?). Me and some of my pals (sadly, I don't really remember who was in on it with me) organized a water balloon raid! We had some of our guy friends sneak into the school, run through the commons and launch water balloons at all the girls. I have never confessed to that until recently - I'm sure I was a suspect because I didn't get wet! I'm sure to get some hate mail over this...
Go ahead, give it a whirl! Everyone who reads this is invited to play...
I'm totally going to play! Those were some great times, and you were always nice to me! You forgot to mention something about "Tiger Stripes" and Mr. ???'s sweet Geometry class (I forgot his name). I'm glad we got back in touch and we still need to get together when things calm down!
Reading this made me realize that I don't remember much about high school at all! I remember college as my glory years...I must have been a late bloomer. I do remember that you were nice though, so saying you would have been nicer confused me. I must have been on your good side (: I was also happy to see that I wasn't the only one who didn't "go steady" with the timpview boys. Someone called me snobby for not doing so, but it wasn't on purpose, I just always found love elsewhere. I hope the reunion is fun. My baby boy is still so new that my duty lies with him at home, but I'm looking forward to seeing pictures on your blog. I hate pictures of me in high school too. I had baby fat, including chubbier cheeks, and dressed like a boy. Again, I'm convinced I was a late bloomer.
I feel old. My ten year was a few years ago. Okay it was actually 7 years ago. There. I admit it. I'm oldish. Sadly I didn't go to my 10 year because we had to close on our house and were busy moving into our new house.
I do have some fond memories of highschool. You thought the styles were bad when you were in highschool! Hello! I'm a product of the 80's and early 90's. Scary.
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