To add to my Dad's radical status, I must tell you about his recent hobby. Lemme esplain - my Father has mania's - a plethora of them. Something will peak his interest and it sort of consumes him for...who knows how long. Sometimes a few months, sometimes a few years. His longest running mania has been birds - mostly from the finch family. In every house we have lived in, my Dad has built an Aviary to house his prized feathered friends.
Now? His new mania is boats. I mean, we've always been a boating family, but he has starting collecting sweet old boats from the 50's and 60, aka 'Gidget Boats' (that's what I call them, anyway). A few weeks ago he towed a shiny new boat down to the lake to participate in a 'show and tell' of sorts. A 'retro boat show', if you will. My Mom stayed up late the night before making a poster full of information about the boat my Dad brought down - and here she is!
A 1957 Avalon - the anchor flag is one of my favorite things!
These water skiis were included in the purchase - I think they are as old as the boat is!
The interior is original and in mint condition - so very 'Some Like It Hot'
That is a beaut! What a fun hobby. Ahhh... the fun things parents are able to do!
Im in love...that is too cute!
Hello beautiful! Oh, how fun!
this is the bomb!
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