Saturday was the parade! Cache rode on top of the Fire Engine with the other fire kids...I didn't get his picture, however, because he was covering his ears the whole time (guess the siren and the horn were a bit too loud for him!).
Cole messing around while we waited for the parade to start.
Cody and the rest of the Honor Guard opened the parade - don't they look dapper? (Cody is second from the left....the handsome devil).
After the parade we headed over to the Gym for the Grand Opening! It was a total success! There was a huge crowd and we had lots of trainers come down from other Gyms to support us - it was awesome. As promised, Cody and some other guys did 'Firefighter Fran' - a workout in full Fire gear.
What is Fran? Here's the breakdown:
21 reps: 95# Thrusters, Pull Ups
15 reps: 95# Thrusters, Pull Ups
9 reps: 95# Thruster, Pull Ups
All for time. Brutal.
Cody, Jason and Damon (who is not a firefighter) did SO well! Damon wasn't used to all the equipment and he did such a good job, I was very impressed. Here he is getting some assistance from Dave.
Cody doing a thruster
The gear was certainly hindering - the had on their helmets, masks and tanks...about 50 lbs overall. At one point when Cody was resting I went over and squeezed his hand. I got a little emotional, not gonna lie.
Cody pushed through it and finished in 17 min. It's official - he is Mr. Incredible. Thanks to everyone who came out!
Saturday night I was asked to be in the 'Thrillionaires' show! This is the 3rd Saturday show (with the founding cast members) that I have been asked to do and it was SO much fun! The theme was 'Rock Star', so I got to wear my hot pink hair! I am loving these shows so much - and we had a full house! You MUST come down and see us perform, the shows are fabulous. I have another show tomorrow night, so be sure to stop by if you can! 8:00pm at the Covey. See you there!
I wish we could rest up from such a crazy weekend, but no! I have many projects this week, not to mention my 10 year High School Reunion on Saturday! Lots to do, lots to do. Hopefully I can squeeze in a BBQ with friends this's still Summer, after all.
Wow! Busy weekend, but it looks like fun. Sorry about the issues on my blog, but I think they are fixed! come visit me again!
P.S. I have a funeral to go to up in Idaho and I will miss the reunion... I am so sad :(
Oh, dearest, I can't keep up! How I love the pics: And tell Cody for me what a prince he is---that is AWESOME! Kiss all your men for me and have them kiss you back. Love you, Mumsy.
I'm so glad your opening was such a success, and I've decided you and Cody are going to be He-Man and She-ra for halloween this year, don't fight me on this, my mind is made up.
Sounds like a very busy and successful weekend! Yay!
We need to get together when things calm down a bit!!!
Congratulations on the opening of the gym! If we lived there, my hubbin would probably join. He likes to be musclely. He was very impressed with your husband's work-out with full gear!
Cute, cute pics of your boys! What a fun weekend!
I'm stalking you. This is Katie Chase. Sorry, but the number I have for your home phone is wrong, and oddly enough I remembered your blog address. Anyway, as we were saying earlier, we need you! Most of all, we need to bypass our husbands. If you can email me at that would be great. I started a blog for all of us so we can communicate regularly and keep track of what we've discussed. Then I can add you to the list of people that get an email posting, if that's okay. Sorry for the long comment. Thanks.
No Doubt! Cody is Mr. Incredible! I'm totally impressed.
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