Take last night, for example. Cody, Cache and I went up to Ikea to look around a bit and make some final decisions on some things we want. We're having a great time looking at all the wholesome Ikea goodness, I even run into an old friend of mine from High School! He was there with his wife and son (and although we used to be super close, he sort of talked to me like he was a co-worker or something...really weird...we'll save that for another post) and we chatted for a few minutes.

When we're done shopping we hike up the 3 flights of stairs and the nice woman behind said desk was very nice, but informed me that my phone had not been turned in. Blast. I left my name and Cody's number, but I wasn't too optimistic. Cody took me to Neils for dinner - Neils is this lovely little joint that has the yummiest fish and chips I've ever tasted. When sad? Drown your sorrows in deep fried halibut, works every time. I called Ikea this morning and there is still no sign of my phone. I canceled my number (which I've had for 6 YEARS!!!) and sent out a sad little text informing my friends of my new number. Luckily, I still have my old phone so I'm not totally cut off from the world. *Sigh*, I did love that phone so much...

Today Cody and I are hoping to get lots of house projects done. We have errands and cleaning and yard work to do...it's going to be a long day and I'm beginning to regret that deep fried halibut.