I have been thinking about some of the toys I grew up with. I was a HUGE Shera fan. I didn't watch the cartoon very much, but I did own all of the Shera dolls! I think there were about 8 or so, I don't really remember. I still have them, my niece plays with them when she comes into town! My Senior year in High School I actually dressed up as Shera for Halloween. Lucky for you, I don't even have a picture of it...

I had maybe 3 or 4 Strawberry Shortcake dolls. I loved them because their heads always smelled so good! Do you remember that? A few years ago when they were selling them again, my sister called me and told me I had to go smell them at the store - SO many memories.

Ahhh, Barbie. My sister and I were Barbie pros. I totally remember the Peaches N' Cream Barbie, I thought that dress was so beautiful. We still have most of the Barbie dolls we grew up with, we have some great memories with that little icon!

Any other flashback toys come to mind?
uh, doy-my little ponies? how bout silvanians? you know, the fuzzy little bear family with the woodsy home? and let's see....teddy ruxpin, pound puppies, trolls (ick)...i'm all out. but those were dang good ones, right?
did you watch fraggle rock?
Teddy Ruxpin?!?! Oh my gosh, I totally forgot about him! I did watch Fraggle Rock occasionally, I liked the fraggle with the red pom poms on her head...
Gosh, I'm trying to remember. Umm... I never had toys besides Barbies that were very "girlie" that I can remember... And, of course, Matt played with my Barbies more than I did. But my brother and I would play with nerf swords or BOARD GAMES. Oh my gosh, we ruled the board game world. hahaha. Fun post!!!
POUND PUPPIES AND TEDDY RUXPIN! Hahah. I loved those toys. Also Kid Sister. And Cabbage Patch Dolls. But I mostly loved Barbie, She-ra and Strawberry Shortcake just like you.
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