Happy 4th! Great weekend - jam packed with frivolous festivities. On the 4th I made a few apple pies and we headed over to the annual Jolley Picnic at Cody's Great-Grandmother's house. It's such a fun tradition - I love it! There was loads of food and I got to hang out with Cody's Mom and sisters.
Cole cozying up to Cody's sister, Jen for some ice cream
Cache and his lunch
When the fireworks started, Cache covered his ears and stayed that way until they were done, but at least he watched them! Last year he was curled up in protest in my Mom's lap the entire time.
We gave Chief Marc a pat on the back after the show, the Fire Department did a sweet job this year - I was so proud!
Saturday we headed out to a Birthday party for Hadlie (Cody's cousin's daughter...I don't even know what to call her. Cousin-niece? Nousin?). They had this great little pool and waterslide set up for the kids. Now, Cache isn't a water baby - never has been. He loves baths and will play in the sprinklers sometimes, but he's not a fan of swimming no matter how enticing I try to make it. He did get in at one point, but was pretty quick to hop right back out. Cole on the other hand loved playing in the water! It was fun to see them splash around together and cool off (not to mention the glorious snippets when the splashing would hit me and cool me off a bit - it was SO hot).
We came home for a spell before heading up to my parents house to hang out with the Patch family. Andrea and her family have been in town all week but I feel like I haven't even seen them! Cache ran around with his cousins all evening and it was so fun to just kick back and relax. We got Burger Supreme for dinner and enjoyed it on the deck.
I love my family. We talked and laughed and planned our family Powell trip (I am stoked), a perfect way to wrap up the Holiday weekend.
Oh it looks like you had such a great holiday! Yay! Don't you just love summer!!!
We are looking forward to getting together with you guys!
Fun fun fun! It looks like you had a great 4th! You have very cute boys. You guys sound like there are always fun things in the works. My birthday is this week too. Tim is terrible with parties. Do you want to do mine too? jk. He has something planned (with numerous suggestions from me). Hey could you get the PG fire department to move the fireworks back to the high school? We liked being able to watch them from our front lawn. We'd even let you have a spot on the lawn too if you could get them to change it. :)
Nice pics.... I really enjoyed your post on vacation trip with kids.
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