Monday night Cody and I went to a New Fiscal Years Party in PG. We met at the park for a huge BBQ (steaks, corn on the cob - all the fixin's) and got to hang out with our friends. I have to say, I LOVE the people that Cody works with at the Station - they are such great people, I love it when we get to hang out with them. Here is a pic of Cody and I at the park. *sigh*, what is my deal in pictures lately? What's with the sleepy eyes? After our yummy dinner we went to see 'Get Smart' - have you seen it? Hilarious!

Cody removing his old shirt
Our friend Drew tossing his shirt in the fire
Cody and Drew admiring their work
It was only a matter of time before the wives starting burning their bras...

Now it's time to focus on plans for the 4th...which is tomorrow. What are you doing? Cody and I haven't decided whether or not to go to the parade. I would like to go to the Freedom Festival Downtown with the kids and in the afternoon we go to a family picnic at Cody's great-grandmother's house. What festivities do you have planned?
Excellent party. So good to see you! Your pics turned out much better than mine. Darn that iPhone with no flash.
My plans this weekend... Work on expanding our back deck, Stadium of Fire (don't ask me why) BBQ's, and hopefully, relaxing!
That looks like a blast! I thought I heard fireworks last night. We skip the parade. We think the Strawberry Days one is good enough for the year and it just gets SO HOT! We watch the hot air balloons in the morning and then go for a morning hike. After nap time we have a bbq and go to a firends house near the BYU Stadium and watch the fireworks. The stores are closed so we actually get to see Tim. Good times. I love the 4th!!
Swim swim swim! We'll be poolside all day and loving it!
Fun party! I love bonfires! Cam and I always run the Freedom Festival race... it's a tradition now I guess. Then we swim and have a family BBQ. It's going to be so hot!!
That looks like SO much fun!
I miss Utah on the 4th! We're driving out to Lake Pleasant and watching fireworks. Matt wants to take the top off the Jeep . . . it's about 110 so I'm (understandably hesitant) We shall see!
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