Lets talk for a second about weight, shall we? Not one of my favorite topics, but seeing that we're in the thick of bathing suit season, I thought maybe we could chat about it.
When I was on my Girls Trip last month, we talked a lot about how women in general are so hard on themselves about body image. We all have our own issues with our bodies - most of which we can't change (I hate my freckles and those aren't going anywhere anytime soon), and others that are not as bad as we think. A dear friend of mine has the cutest body I have ever seen and she is horrified to wear a bikini because it will show her stretch marks. She let me take a peak at said stretch marks and I could not beLIEVE that she wasn't wearing a bikini 24/7! Let me tell you something, if I looked like that I would be wearing nothing but body glitter every day.

I have the mentality where I want to be smart about what I eat, but who doesn't love a greasy indulgence now and then? And my body is so far from perfect, but it is mine and it's getting healthier every day. I am also married to Mr. Iron Man/Personal Trainer and if that's not immense pressure to be fit, I don't know what is. I can't always get to his CrossFit Gym, so I do little things at home every day to get a mini work out. Not sure it's doing much, but I certainly feel better after I break a sweat!
So tell me - What do you do? How do you keep in shape? Do you eat whatever you want and then work for hours at the gym? Do you weigh everything you eat and never eat treats? Or are you of the mentality where as long as you're happy who cares what you look like? Because I don't know about you, but I'm pretty fed up with women who have super hot bodies and say, "Oh, I don't have time to work out - running after a toddler all day keeps me trim!" What the - I've got a toddler, sister and while he is active, I don't recall the last time I had to chase him 10 laps around the track or keep taking the 25lb weights out of his hands ("Cache, if you can't listen to Mommy we can't keep the barbells in your room anymore"). While you ponder about your problem areas and get up the guts to post them in comments for the world wide web to see, I've got to clear my table for the pizza I ordered...
So I sit here writing this feeling guilty that I am sitting in my running clothes. Why? Because I changed into them to go running...instead I ran away from the treadmill to finish Eclipse.
I have recently banished "Treats" from our house and I try to run 1/2 hr a day. I don't do any more than that ( should though to shed the baby weight, but it's only been 7 wks). I eat normal and don't count a thing. I would go crazy!
I think it helps that I have moved to a small town that doesn't seem to have the "perfection gene" in it. The Moms I hang out with are really laid back and it makes it easy to be yourself. Do I have weight to lose...um...yeah like 20 lbs!! It will come in due time, but I won't lose my sanity to do it.
Dude. I am all about enjoying food and working out to compensate. I would check myself into a psych ward counting calories and weighing in the guilt there-of. No thanks. I love fitness because of how it makes me feel and what I accomplish. A great side affect is burning tons of calories and keeping a low weight. Then I can enjoy that sandwich with mayo, salads with the dressing mixed in, cheesy pizza and heaven knows, my weakness, baked goods. This way of living is a win-win! Being active and eating all the good stuff (obviously within a blissful balance).
*BIG PLUS* It's mental therapy to treat yourself to some sweaty workouts and release parental/life stress. My days always go better and the kids like me better, too.
We all have our body woes. I certainly have them. Now, I was genetically blessed with a sizable rack (which I love--not too big to cause back pain), but along with that, I've got some meat on my other bones, too. Namely my tummy and hips. So, I go through periods of time where I debate about working out or not. I ask myself "do I want to get super skinny and have Jessica Alba abs? Or do I want to stay how I am and have my gorgeous boobs?" Because I can't have both. It's not possible. So, I just try to stay healthy and not overdo it with eating OR with working out. I don't drink soda, and I try to stay away from candy. But chocolate finds its way to my stomach somehow.
But you know what? I'm happy with myself. None of my friends are perfect. We all have qualms about our bodies, but we still all look good.
Okay, so just having a baby and having that extra skin hanging on my belly made this post very easy to relate to. Technically I'm not supposed to work out for another week, but I cheated and did 45 minutes of cardio yesterday. (It's an addiction, I think I'm a little sick because it's seriously is the only way I feel positive for the rest of the day) I believe in eating what you want as long as you work out, and I believe women look better with curves too. Women should stay healthy, but I think there's a point where it's healthy and where you look too much like Madonna. Everything in moderation.
I do a little yoga and I walk a lot (especially thanks to gas prices) but honestly it isn't enough to be happy with my now in my 30's body. I try to not buy the naughty stuff because if it is in the house I will eat it. There are enough holidays that I get to ignore calories at least once a month. I buy the girls snacks they love, but that don't really appeal to me. My current idea to solve my weight issue is to just get pregnant and then I have a good excuse again to eat what I want. :) Ahhhh, nothing like procrastinating the problem.
Oh, I hear ya sister! I think I have come to grips with my extra weight and pant size... and after having three kids in 4 years, I feel it's my right!!
I've always loved to exercise. It keeps me sane through out the day, but I was having a hard time balancing time and everything else. I have now started getting up at 5:15 and getting out the door and running. Sounds crazy? I love it! It's peaceful and cool outside and it's my hour of the day when it is quiet and I have time to think. And when I come home and I can't go on, I hop back into bed for an hour or so until the kids get up. It actually hasn't been too bad to get up.
Um does sitting on my chair THINKING about exercising count?
My surgeon told me I can't do anything where balls fly at my face.
And um, I'm being serious. HAHAH. Probably the only time in my life.
Ok but seriously I love the Body for Life work out. It's fast, doable and makes me feel good. I just have to GET TO THE GYM to get it done. I'm all about portion control and making sure to have a "cheat" day where I don't let myself feel guilty for eating an entire block of cheese. Seriously. An entire block.
This is long...sorry, but hope it's helpful.
I work out 2-5 times a week depending on my schedule. And my workouts are no less than 30 minutes but average closer to an hour and fifteen. Usually I do a cardio and weights routine, but sometimes I'll do all cardio.
I have to say though...I am VERY blessed to have my Mom living with me, so I can go to the gym in the morning before taking my son to school and heading to work. My Mom rocks!!!
As for diet...for me diet is what I can eat, not what I can't eat. I believe that when people hear the word 'diet' it immediately conjures up images and feelings of "I can't have ANY sweets!" or "I MUST stop eating ALL carbs!" Instead, I believe in looking at it as my diet consists of lots of veggies and fruits, whole wheat bread, brown rice, chicken (spicy garlic chile chicken is one of our favs), fish (ginger balsamic salmon or a simple baked halibut), nuts, low or non-fat dairy, oh, and DARK CHOCOLATE and RED WINE.hehe...antioxidants at their best! And for me, the weekends are for splurging and having dessert (I have yet to meet a baked good I haven't liked) or having Mexican food or pizza...YUMMY. And I'll go have a drink or two (maybe 3 if it's been a really long week) on the weekend too (don't forget drinks have calories, too). But everything...EVERYTHING...even the good stuff during the work week, must be consumed IN MODERATION (yes, I read labels and I do pay attention to what the serving size is supposed to be and follow that...so I have a serving and not 3). That together with the working out is what works best.
I also believe you should get fit for your health first and the aesthetics will follow. When people do it the other way around, usually they're looking for a quick fix and are more likely to get disappointed when said quick-fix doesn't happen as quickly as one hopes. When I first got into fitness 12 years ago, the impetus was that the previous year, when I was 24, both my father and uncle were diagnosed with diabetes...and it runs in the family. That same year I was diagnosed with moderate to severe cervical dysplasia (think just this side of cancer...not there, but well on it's way)...and it was spreading. My GYN got me into surgery within 2 weeks of the diagnosis. In my mind then, I thought I am waay too young to be dealing with these current and potential health issues and I wanted to get into the habit of being healthy instead of being forced into it (like my overweight father was upon learning he had diabetes). So I started working out and paying attention to my diet and I dropped 20lbs.
This took me a few months to do and I maintained it for about 4 years until my dad got sick with cancer and passed away. That just blew my whole routine right out of the water. I put the 20lbs back on over 2 years and then I got pregnant and put on 43lbs. Finally, when my son turned 2, I decided it was time to get back into shape...for real (I'd lost 30lbs after the birth thanks to nursing, but WOW I was so not used to carrying that much extra weight on my frame and I felt terrible-I missed the energy I used to have). My inspiration, in addition to my wonderful little guy and being able to run around with him, was my scores. My cholesterol was up, my blood sugar was up, etc. So it was time to get it all back down. And so I just went back to the same mentality I mentioned above. My cardio of choice starting out was spin class (major fat burner!) and I gradually added in running and weights. It took about 4 months, but I dropped the last 33lbs. and have kept it off for almost 2 years.
Uh... yeah....
(Hi, by the way! I've missed your blog!)
yeah, the never ending weight issue.
i try to run with my little guy in the baby jogger a few times a week, but that doesn't always happen. i usually eat healthy, but i indulge too, i'm not one to deprive myself....
and thanks a lot, because now i HAVE to have pizza for dinner after seeing your picture.. that looks SOOO good right now..
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