Thrillionaires, how I adore thee. I have kept up with my obsession for performing in Thrillionaires shows - we do one every Tuesday and Saturday night, 8:00pm at the Covey. I have had no photographic proof of said shows...until now! Thanks to Hannah I was able to steal these pics of a show we did a few weeks ago -
Hannah and I reacting to some audience suggestions before the show. At least...I think that's what we're doing...

Brett explaining how we don't have any scripts or storylines - we just make everything up as we go along! (And you can't really tell, but I was wearing my fabulous gold glitter flats that night...they're good luck).

I am having the best time doing this! The people are so great and our shows are fantastic. You must come and see! Tuesdays are Cheap Thrills and tickets are only $5.00! Hello? A deal, ladies and gentlemen. Saturdays involve costumes and a set and tickets are just $10.00 (I may be able to snag you some discount tickets - let me know!). Do yourself a favor and get down here to see our shows - you will get hooked.
YAY Thrillionaires! I look sort of monstrous in that one where we are behind Brett. There are large boots involved I guess...
hello ha cha sassies. I wish I could come see you guys (AND/OR be a part of it!)
Arizona sucks.
Fun! I love improv shows. We would love to come see it!! I'm leaving this week for Washington, but we'll come see it upon my return! Can't wait. How fun that you do something like that. I used to do a lot of acting during my single days, but don't anymore. I still love to watch.:)
Uh, from the looks of how freaking skinny you are in these pics, your last post is VOID! Do whatever the hell you want cuz you look good girl! I mean that. Love YA!
Hey girl, I definitely need to come to another one. I enjoyed the first one so much!! I just need to find a babysitter and get Ryan there with me. I keep telling him how funny you are and I really think you need to be careful Not to steal the show, thats how good you are!!
How fun! I love to go to those shows, they always keep me laughing so hard. I can't believe you and Hannah do this...I would draw a blank and stand there like and idiot!! You both look like you are loving it though.
How fun! And what a great date night idea. Hmmmmmm... I must talk to the husband. I have a feeling you are chuck full of talent!
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