31. My old man is 31. Cody's Birthday was yesterday and he (I would like to think) had a great day! He went to the gym in the morning and taught some classes, went to lunch and the Harley store with Adam, got to relax all afternoon and had our friends over last night for a BBQ. It was SO much fun! The food was delish and we got to hang out in the back yard - something I didn't anticipate, I thought it would be too hot. It was a great Summer evening...
Yes, I know I have a problem with posting loads of pictures, but there are so many to see! The lovelies (Heather and Brit) with their babies! The kids certainly out-numbered the adults...
Cody overlooking his domain
Adam and Stella
Jon, Shari, Jim and Adam playing with Stella
Cache, Ava and Morgan playing 'Ring Around the Rosies' - I love this picture.
Turns out that 31 candles don't burn so well when there's a slight breeze outside, so Cody 'posed' for this picture. But never fear, he looks like that anyway when he's blowing candles out. No, really.
The kids with their cones! Cache and Cole were the only boys amongst a throng of girls - great odds!
Cole begging for sugar. Not his first time, I'm seeing a pattern here...
After cake and ice cream we played some Guitar Hero (it's been FOREVER).
Cache has his own little guitar and feels it necessary to help the guys out when they play. Check out his star power!
Once things died down, this is what I found. First - how about we address the fact that my son is passed out on the couch after a night of partying. Second - this is Cody and Adam...just surfing on their lap tops...not talking to each other...just hanging out. Clickity...clickity...
We had the best time...thanks Jewels!
Happy birthday cody!!! I was so sad I couldnt come...we need to get together...sink me!
Happy Birthday Cody!! (Sorry I'm a little late to the game!)
Happy Birthday Cody! We are practically twins. I will be 31 on Sunday (13th). It looks like you had a great day. So, when are you guys coming to visit us? Next week? Call Tim, we'll rendezvous.
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