

That might be what I have. Remember when I went to the hospital a few months back? I was having sever stomach cramps? I talked to my wise sister-in-law, Jessica and she thought I might have Diversticulitus - where your bowels cramp up sporatically and make you double over in pain. Hmm. Not sure if that's what it is, but she has a nursing degree and I don't, so I'm inclined to believe her. I feel like I'm having all of the symptoms she described...

That's right - I am blogging from bed. Bed Blogging. The cramps are back and I am hating life. Last night I did the 'Thrillionaires' show (which was a hit! A GREAT night, in my opinion...but more on that later) and being the royal idiot that I am, I forgot to eat anything before we started. The show ran really long, so we didn't finish until about 10:25 - whoa. Brett, Matt, Hannah and I stayed after and chatted a bit in the parking lot and then Hannah and I decided to go grab something to eat fast. My stomach hurt so badly, I could hardly think. Hunger pains? Am I pregnant? I ate a little, but it wasn't helping. Hannah dropped me at my car and I hardly had the strength to climb inside. I barely made it home - I was thisclose to calling Cody to come pick me up. I came home and curled up in a ball next to Cody on the couch. Eventually I went upstairs and crawled into bed - fully clothed. Which means I woke up in the middle of the night with that awesome feeling of sleeping in denim. I didn't sleep well - I kept waking up in pain...stupid diversticulitus. Today has been a bit better, but as soon as I think I'm coming out of it, the pain comes back. Ugh. It's also a nice, sunny day out. What I am doing? Blogging from bed.

Well...it was sunny when I first wrote this - now it's storming something fierce. Just like my tummy.


Jessica said...

Jewels I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. I'm really not sure what is wrong with you, but I do think it would be smart to see someone about it! (Diverticulitis or not) Call me and I can recommend a few doctors in town. Love you and hope you feel swell soon!

Anonymous said...

Uh oh! That sounds awful! Go to the doctor okay...no for real...go!

Glad that the show went great!

Anonymous said...

Yeah I'm with these two! A doctor is in order! I hope you find out what's wrong soon so you can get better!!


Adam Harward said...

I had no idea. I'm sorry that sucks.

Unknown said...

so sorry you feel yucky.

just wanted to pop in and invite you to the beehive bazaar this weekend.
info on my blog.

i need your email address.. let's get together sometime soon!

The Bastian's said...

Hey girl,

I am sorry your feeling like this. I wish I knew what was up. I am glad the show went well! I didn't get a chance to come see you but won't miss the next one!! Congratulations on making it to the BIG show, but I am not surprised!

Anonymous said...

That sounds awful. Don't you love that the first question that crosses your mind when your not feeling well is, "Am I pregnant?" I always think that first!! I hope you are feeling better because moms don't get a day off!

Lisa/Scott said...

That's so weird cause there was a friend of mine that has it and thought I had that exact same thing too...(I told you I would get the same cramps, right?) I still don't know if he was right or not, but by following his advice and staying away from greasier foods it did help. I also noticed that working out along with eating healthier made a difference in how frequent the pain would come too. The softer I would let myself get, the more often I'd get the attacks. Also Rolaids and other acid reducers became a part of my daily diet. I did have to deal with the cramps a little bit during my first trimester but now I'm fine and I hope that they won't bother me again when the baby is out.