Do you hear that? The month of May slipping away? Summer getting closer? Hmmm? I can't believe that May is halfway over - what happened? I was actually looking forward to the month of May because it's the calmest month of my Summer. And yes, May doesn't really count as Summer in this State since we're still having days that are 50 degrees. However, turns out that my hopes of having a relaxing month have been dashed - lots of things have come up that are taking my time. Most things aren't the greatest - grocery shopping, keeping the house clean, random errands. Others are a smokin' good time - like getting stuff together for the Girls Trip (which is in 3 weeks...) and Thrillionaires! Last night at Thrillionaires was so much fun - even if I were to try and explain what went on, it wouldn't be as funny as it was last night. Lets just say that Jaclyn and I are brilliant on stage together.
Amongst the craziness, I love the feeling that is in the air right now - school is almost out and with the days warming up it's hard to stay indoors. I would love to stay and chat about the pandemonious puffery that is my life, but alas - errands await.

OH! It's been forever since I have done an official "What I'm Loving Wednesday" post, so...lets see.....what am I loving? Beach gear at Target. Well, anywhere, really. When I see those bright water coolers and beach balls it makes me want to throw a pool party and serve lemonade in pink plastic cups! Now if only I could install a pool by June...
I can't believe May is almost over! It's so crazy...I hear it is supposed to be super hot this Saturday! Insane! ....let's get together soon!
I too can't believe May is almost over. I was hoping for 5 or 6 weeks, but I guess trying to predict the length of the months is like predicting where lightning will strike. Am I right or am I right.
At least it's not suddenly and constantly 100 degrees. Last night at 11:30 pm it was still 82 degrees! Miss you.
I love target! And my kids are already sweating it is so hot today! Two weeks to go! Hurray!
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