After the movie we had lunch and came home for a few minutes. Then it was off to the paint store to purchase gallons of paint for a plethora of rooms in our house. Cody is at work for the next 3 days, so I'll have to get started by myself. I'm hoping to get the nursery painted (yeah, we're re-doing it...) and Cache's room started. I'm really excited to see how the Family Room will look when it's done, but I can't move the furniture by myself lest I give myself a hernia. Pass!
Then last night we drove down to Centerfield so Cody could look at an old car. It's a '66 Dodge Coronet and it's in pretty good condition. Cody is really excited about it and he's going to go pick it up on Tuesday. I'll take some pictures and post them when the lovely thing graces our driveway. Cody loves projects and while I know he already has way too many of them, I have allowed him to take on one more with this car. Now now, before you started yelling and questioning as to why I agreed to such a thing, Cody and I talked about a few things before we bought it - how I want some things to get finished before he starts on the car and that I don't want it to go un-touched at the side of our house for the next year, etc. Plus...well, he is just so excited about it that I couldn't say 'no'...stupid Cody charm.
Didn't post any thankfuls yesterday, so here's today's 10!
1 - Previews. Oh, how I love watching movie previews! There are some sweet shows coming out, but that's for another post.
2 - Provo. Say what you will, I love this City.
3 - Garden gloves. Cody bought me some leather working gloves a few years ago and I have loved them! Who knew that I could get excited about pruning and weeding with those baby's on?
4 - Cache and Cole, my little boys. True, they drive me crazy - but I love being their mom.
5 - Band aids. I hate blisters...
6 - Hearing Cache play in his room. I always have to cover my mouth so he doesn't hear me laughing when he's playing with his stuffed animals saying things like, "Oh, don't worry buffalo, do you want to take a nap? Are you tired? Ok, that's perfect, we can do that".
7 - Baby Einsteins DVD's.
8 - My iPod.
9 - Cody's sense of humor. He is SO funny, I love how clever he is. And...he laughs at my jokes, which is nice.
10 - Kate. This thank you is long overdue. Kate is brilliant and one of my oldest friends (i.e. oldest friendships, Kate will never be old). I can call Kate with any random question and she always knows the answer. Even if she just made up an answer, I would accept it as fact because she's just that convincing.
AWWW I love you!! Don't tell anyone I make up the answers just to sound convincing :D I'm thankful for you too! More than you'll ever know.
i second baby einstein! can i just copy and past the majority of your thankful list onto my blog? seriously.
so cute that he was still holding his popcorn.
going to see dan tomorrow night. i can't wait. we've been waiting to get a babysitter for eternity, so it better be worth it!
p.s. i know you are busy, but seriously-i thought you'd be the first to post to 'making christmas'! i know you have magic up those sleeves...
YAY FOR KATE! She is our personal wikipedia friend. I shall call her Wiki-Friend. Not be confused with Wiccan friend. Wikeeee I tell you.
And Jewels you rock pretty hard too. Remember that phone call yesterday?? The ring? WHAT DO I DO?? I AM ALLERGIC TO MY WEDDING RING!! You're like my personalized wiki-tab for jewelery and fashion.
I'm thinking I can make this post just a little bit longer...
YAY- can't wait to see the house.
Also...I totally agree on all your thankfuls, especially Kate!!!
YAY- can't wait to see the house.
Also...I totally agree on all your thankfuls, especially Kate!!!
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