Normally I do my Flashbacks on Tuesday, but I simply could not wait! Before going to bed last night, I was flipping through channels when I came upon something I haven't seen in years - an episode of 21 Jumpstreet. Hello! Me and my brothers and sister were so in love with this show!! I remember watching it every week, so devoted to Johnny Depp and his complex co-stars.

Last night's episode did not disappoint - it was a very deep story about the young detectives going under cover at a school for troubled teens. They were sure that this one kid was dealing drugs, yet he was so smart in school. It all but begs the question, "Why for must he be so troubled? This youth with such chiseled features and college potential?" Yet when they get to know this brooding young man, they discover that he is not 18 years old as his school records indicate, but a mature 22!! *Gasp!* When confronted about this lie, the heartbreaker confides that he is just....so afraid...of growing up. I mean, why can't we all be 18 forever, man! I wish I was making it up, truly I do. But apparently adulthood was a very serious fear for the youth of 1987. While I mock the silly plot line, I still watched the whole episode - loving every minute of it. I mean, a young Johnny Depp? Me. Yow. Anyone else have the theme song in their head? Just me? Ok.
Another blast from the past that took me by surprise - have you any idea what show is being resurrected for the new year? American Gladiators. Oh please, please, please tell me that I'm not the only person who watched this show when I was little.

Why I watched it, I'll never know - overly muscled persons in spandex that fought your average civilian with over sized foamy q-tip weapons. The Gladiators did what they could to discourage your everyday contestant, be it shooting them with foam darts or outrunning them on a obstacle course fit for hamsters. This show must have been a smash hit, because it's back. Oooooh, it's back. I think it's coming on in January with bigger! Badder! Meaner Gladiators and tighter spandex! Is it possible? Is it physically possible? When I find out the premiere date, I'll have all of you over to tune in. Bring popcorn.
I'm crying I'm laughing so hard.
I'm so there with popcorn AND cake batter
They need to bring gladiators back that was one of the coolest shows on tv.
I love you.
OH MY GOSH! THIS SHOW I LOVE!!! EVERY SATURDAY MORNING WITH MY BROTHERS!!!! I wanted to be on American Gladiators SO BAD you have no idea. Now that it is coming back, I have a chance. Oh yes, you heard me.
Ahh ha ha ha! You are a riot. I guess one of the biggest reasons why it is so funny is because totally understand. Totally!
you got me-i totally watched Am. Gladiators-but was i living in another world? i've never heard of 21 jump street. i wonder if netflix has it...
Oh. Mygosh. Hilarious.
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