This little Spider Monkey is 9 months old today. So cliche', but it goes by so fast! I can't believe it - he's such an active little man. I love, love this baby. He is my little Prince and I cannot kiss his cheeks enough.
Cache has been the best big brother to little Cole and they get along so well! I love that Cache goes into Cole's room first thing in the morning and climbs in his crib. They sit there and giggle together until I go in and get them both.
He's always so involved when we go to the gym.
Cole really keeps me busy - he is crawling everywhere and recently decided to scale the stairs.
He is so quick, I have to keep my eyes on him at all times! Especially the time that I forgot to buckle him in his car seat (please don't report me) and he nearly crawled out of it while we were on the freeway. Awesome.
I love my boys - they are so, so cute and such good kids...hopefully I'll still feel that way 9 months from now.