If my life was a movie, what would my soundtrack be?
Here's how it works:
1. Open your music library
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool.
Opening Credits: "Living and Living Well" by George Strait (Cody and I share our music library, can you tell?). Actually, I do like George - and I can totally see this song at the beginning of a movie.
Waking Up: "Can't Stop Now" by Keane. Hahaha, this actually is a great wake up song. I love it - it's perfect for that.
First Day of School: "Doo Wop (That Thing)" by Lauryn Hill. I used to LOVE this song when I lived in Vegas. Great High School song, still dig it.
In Love: "A Real Fine Place to Start" by Sarah Evans. No way! K, hilarious. This song totally makes me think of Cody - when I first heard it I thought about the Summer that Cody and I met. The video for this song also has a young couple riding around on a Motorcycle, so it's the perfect song for being in love.
Fight Song: "Don't Let Him Go" by REO Speedwagon. HA! Despite the title, this song it actually really fast and fiesty - so 80's, I love it.
Breaking Up: "I'm Movin' On" by Rascal Flatts. Break my heart, this song is so rad.
Prom: "Good Night My Love" by Harry Connick, Jr. Ahhh, it's a beautiful song - perfect for dancing.
Life's OK: "Forever" by The Explorers Club. YAY! HAHAHAHA! I totally found this song on iTunes by chance one day - it sounds like a 60's, surfer-beachy song. It's so great! Man, I LOVE that this song just came on. Now I must listen to it.
Mental Breakdown: "Jump" by Simple Plan. Um, not so much a breakdown song, unless you consider the title..I guess. Oh wait, now I'm listening to the lyrics more closely - dude...this song is a perfect breakdown song!
Driving: "I'm Not at All In Love" by Doris Day. Yeah....well, I do love old movies and old musicals, so it's not unusual for me to be driving around singing my heart out to something like this!
Flashback: "Any Dream Will Do" Jospeh and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Oh, how funny is this? Everytime I listen to this soundtrack I think of doing this play in 8th grade. Pretty sweet flashback!
Getting Back Together: "Passenger Seat" by Stephen Speaks. No way, Kate! This is a great back together song, super mellow and summery. Mmmm, I forgot how much I love this song...
Wedding: "I'll Be With You in Apple Blossom Time" by The Andrews Sisters. Aww, this kind of reminds me of my wedding!
Birth of Child: "Angel Boy" by Tim McGraw. Ok, like I said - Cody and I share. I don't even really know this song? But the title is good...
Final Battle: "Time After Time" by Quietdrive. See, this is slower than a final battle should be...unless we're in dramatic slo-mo. I do love this song, though.
Death Scene: "Final Countdown" by Europe. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Ok, normally I would have wanted this for the final battle, but I do enjoy it for a death scene. AHHH! Anyone who doesn't know this song right off the bat - go find it online somewhere and listen to a snipit, then you'll realize why I have tears rolling down my face in laughter. It's super 80's glam space rock. That's awesome, this song is so funny.
Funeral Song: "Nothing Takes The Place of You" by Toussaint Mccall. Wow. This really sounds like a funeral song. Maybe that's because there's an organ in the background? Hmmm, it is a 60's song, so maybe they could get away with Organs in slow songs back then.
End Credits: "Stickshifts and Safetybelts" by Cake. Oh dear! Very uppity and dance-y. Perfect way for my movie to end!
If you are reading this, you should do this on your blog! I would love to see what everyone comes up with - it also may give me some new songs to look up...