1 - I still have a huge crush on Cody
2 - I sometimes doubt my ability to be a Mother
3 - I LOVE old musicals from the 40's, 50's and 60's. My dream is to be in one of my favorites on stage, someday
4 - I don't have a very high self-esteem
5 - Halloween is my favorite Holiday
6- After Cody and I kissed for the first time, I said "Can you do that again, please?"
7- Towards the end of our wedding reception (which was outside), it started POURING rain - that was probably the most romantic thing and our favorite part of the entire day
8 - If I love a pair of shoes enough, I will buy two pairs
9 - I have met Harry Connick Jr. and Gwen Stefani
10 - I hate my freckles
11 - I dated the former drummer of the band, The Used
12 - I was engaged before I met Cody. After he called off the wedding, he got in his car and I have not seen or spoken to him since
13 - I played my cello in Carnegie Hall with my High School Orchestra
14 - I have never broken a bone
15 - I am afraid of the dark
16 - Although I love Halloween, I hate scary movies
17 - My famous Apple Pie is my Grandma's recipie
18 - I have about 8 girl cousins around my same age - I am the only one who has not entered a Beauty Pageant (My cousin Natalie was Miss Utah)
19 - I am a super picky eater
20 - I feel like I'm 17
21 - When Cody is working a 24-hour shift, I can't sleep and rarely get to bed before 2:00am
22 - My Mom used to send me to the grocery store a lot. I am grateful for that because I know Albertsons like the back of my hand
23 - I am the first girl Cody ever sent flowers to
24 - Dusk is my favorite time of day
25 - I have a huge weakness for Dr. Pepper
26 - I hung out with the band members from Jimmy Eat World on their tour bus after a concert
27 - I have had a nose job
28 - I still keep in touch with my Prom Date
29 - I am still friends with a guy I met at EFY 11 years ago (he liked my cousin, I liked his friend - so we became friends and have remained close every since!)
30 - My Dad is a Jeweler and almost all of my friends and ex-boyfriends have gotten their wedding rings from him
31 - This is a funny story - after High School I called into a radio station to request a song. The DJ's were kinda lame to me, so I decided to call back in an English accent. They immediately loved me and played my song right away. I came up with a phony name (Kayla Stein) and back-story (exhange student from England...what?) and proceeded to call in and chat with the DJ's every few days. This went on for about two months before I moved to Vegas. Ha!
32 - I never went to College
33 - My humor is my defense mechanism. I realized in Junior High that I wasn't the "pretty one" out of my friends, so I thought I could be the "funny one"
34 - This came back to haunt me - I dated a guy who actually told me to my face, "You're not the prettiest girl in the world, but you're totally awesome and my friends think you're hilarious". Uh huh...
35 - I have played the piano since I was 7
36 - I can't sew
37 - I plan and organize a big trip for my girlfriends from High School every Summer
38 - I was in Drama all through High School and during my Freshman year, our school did a play called "Absurd Person Singular" which was a Brittish comedy. None my friends were in it, but we saw every performance and talked in Brittish accents around each other for months...yeah, we were pretty lame
39 - I don't have a middle name
40 - I love 40's music, jazz standards, etc.
41 - In 4th grade, I had a fancy haircut - it was short on the right side (above my ear, like a bowl cut) and then gradually got longer until it was at my shoulder on the left side. Pretty snazzy, right? It was 1989 and I was so hip
42 - I am terrified of spiders and grasshoppers
43 - Lake Powell is one of my favorite places
44 - I have never been outside of the Country (I should mention that yes, I have been to Mexico. But really...does that count? When it's just two hours across the border and I didn't even need a Passport?)
45 - I would love to live in a farmhouse on acres of land someday
46 - I was named after a Beatles song
47 - Two weeks before 8th grade, we had a house fire that destroyed our roof and attic
48 - I don't like tattoos
49 - I have the movie "Clue" memorized
50 - During his LDS Mission, my Dad's Great Grandfather baptized my Mom's Great Grandfather
PS - I had to re-post this because the comments weren't showing up for some reason. Sorry!
I didn't know some of this stuff!! You are so much cooler than I thought! And I really did think you were WAY cool.
Dude. 50 things is a lot...
Loved hearing these things about you...youre great...not just funny but beautiful!!!
I loved this Jewels...really funny! And it is always great getting to know more about each other!!
Julia!!! Okay, first of all- you are beautiful, proabably one of the most beautiful people I've ever known in real life, second- you are hilarious! I'm learning so much about everyone! I'd attempt it myself, but I doubt I could think of even 20 things . . .
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