Leggings. They are back. With a vengeance. At first, I was not happy about this trend returning. I mean, I already did this! I wore leggings in Elementary school and sure didn't think they would ever make a big comeback. Alas, I eat my words - I'm starting to really dig 'em. I think the just-below-the-knee-length is my favorite. To avoid buying maternity tops, I've been buying some empire waisted dresses that are really cute and really long. However, I've had a hard time deciding what looks best with them - and then it hit me, "Hmmm, I wonder if leggings would look cute..."
Am I crazy? Thoughts? Tell me what you think about the leggings craze. Can I wear a different color than black? I'm not talking cobalt blue or crazy patterns or anything, but what about creams or greys? Come on fashion friends, spill!
I never expected to like it either, but I do. And you, my deary, are just the girl to pull it off!
I am with you on the "still trying to decide" if I like them or not. A girl I go to church with pulls it off well but I just don't know . . . Sorry!
You got me. I take my fashion advice from YOU. I cannot therefore fathom GIVING it.
Im a big fan...especially with your cute dresses!
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