Oh....this is beyond shameful. I am certainly bound to lose a few friends once this picture has been viewed. Kate actually posted this picture on her blog not to long ago for her flashback, but I had to post it on my own. Why do I relish in my dark, fashion-free past, you ask? No idea - maybe because I think it's healthy to be able to look back and laugh at oneself - knowing that regardless of how clueless we all were, we somehow thought we were the sauciest of minxes.

I am easy to spot with my signature super-high pants and...oh dear, I actually cut the sides. Did anyone else do that? I've got to mention that Kate's bangs are sweet. This actually makes me miss my parents old house that I spent my High School years in. Quite the bundle of memories there!

In other news, I've felt the baby move so much lately! Right now the little guy is just kicking around like there's no tomorrow. It's still so weird to feel the baby move. I have an ultrasound next week for my 20 week appointment and I can't wait to have another peek. We still have NO idea what to name him. Any ideas?
ACK! I thought after I posted that picture I never had to look at it again! HAHAHA
I think y'all look hot! I totally cut my jeans too!
I'm just wondering where I was when that was taken . . .hmmmm.
You look good in that picture!! Is it bad if you still cut your jeans?
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