Ahhhh! I have been away so long! I feel like I have been going non-stop for days. Not true, of course, but I feel like I'm stretched so thin. I remember when I was working full-time I always thought, "Man, if I could stay home all day I would get so much stuff done!" Don't you believe it! Not true, not at all. Yes, I have spare time and yes I get more things done than if I did still have a full-time job, but I am amazed every day by how quickly time flies. My cousin's shower is tonight and that has totally taken over my life. I have almost everything ready, but there is still so much to do! Things to bake, things to frost, errands to run - and I must look fresh and glossed by 7:00. Possible? Who knows...

I did, however, have to post these cute little shoes I bought for Cache last week. Could you die?? Oh, how I love them. I had to take a picture before they got too dirty - you know how little boys are. He calls them his "Green Shoes".
Last night Cody and I took a break and went to visit our friends Adam and Ann in their new house! They bought this older home and completely remodeled the entire thing. No easy fete - they basically tore it down and started over. It's been a long process and we were so happy that they were able to move in last night! We brought over a celebratory first meal - pizza - and ate in their new dining room. Cache was busy playing with Adam (who was very sleepy from a long day, but quite possibly the best babysitter ever). I was able to catch up with Ann, it was great to be able to hang out with them.

Cody has been sick this weekend, poor guy. We went to a baseball game on Saturday night with some friends and his voice started going. He was coughing a lot and didn't feel well by the time we got home. He stayed home from work on Sunday and had a rare day off yesterday. Cody works so much, so it was nice to have him around. Bless his heart, I think we all know that men don't do well when they're sick. Nobody does, I guess, but men? Goodness. I was about ready to send him back to work! He felt a lot better yesterday but he still doesn't have a voice. He went to work this morning and won't be home until tomorrow night, so I guess we'll see!
Well - I'm off to the land of errands! Someone call me today...please...to break up the madness!
Hey girl, Sorry this is so late, I wanted to wish you luck on the shower and I hope that you have a GREAT time!!!
I called . . . you were already done running errands.
I suck.
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