I thought I would take some time this afternoon and post some randoms. I'm feeling really tired today, no energy to do anything - therefore, here I sit to post.
My cousin Natalie is getting married next month and I am throwing her a bridal shower! I'm super excited and I just finished the invitations yesterday. I think they turned out pretty well, she wanted a lingerie shower so hopefully the invites are spicy enough:

I had to mail one to the Bride for her to keep. I printed the picture of the pin-up on vellum, so it's slightly sheer.

Here's what you see once you lift up the picture. I don't know if you can tell in this shot, but there is a little hint of glitter on the invite. They were really fun to make, but I had to make 30 of them - whoa. I was so relieved when I was finished! I tried to talk Cody into coming to the shower in his Firefighter gear and dancing for the ladies...he didn't think that was such a great idea.
Saturday was BEAUTIFUL and Cody and Cache spent most of the afternoon outside doing yard work. We widened our driveway last Fall and had it colored and stamped to match the stonework on our house. Cody was able to fill in the gap between the driveway and yard with some sod and Cache was willing to help out.

Cache got this little wheelbarrow for his 2nd Birthday and loves driving it around.

Here he is counting the rocks he loaded into his wheelbarrow. I think there were only about 8 in there, but he kept counting until he reached 20, then he would start over...

Speaking of beautiful weather, yesterday was so lovely! So nice and warm, I was getting all excited for Summer (which is why I posted Powell pictures). Today? Not so great. In fact, as I sit here and type I can look out my window and see SNOW. I am in the middle of a blizzard. It's all mushy and sleety, it's not sticking but it's wet and cold. Oh, and it's APRIL. Ugh, I'm so ready for the cold to be gone! I feel like if it doesn't let up, my house will look like this tonight:

Too bad we already took down our Christmas lights - I new we should have left them up for a few more months...
And finally, I have a question - does anyone have crown molding in their home? Did you install it or have someone else do it?

I am really interested in putting some in our house. Naturally, I would love to have it done before the baby arrives, but we are also trying to accomplish about 50 other goals before then, too. I think it can look really classy, but I'm not looking forward to the fact that I will have to paint the molding before it goes up on the walls. I'm so lazy! Cody says that crown molding is a snap to put up, but he says that about everything and it never ends up being that easy. Any info would be great! Am I crazy? Should I not delve into that home improvement project?
Look at your cleverness! You deserve a creativity award!!
Crown molding . . . I heard it was harder than most thought, a lady in my ward started to do it on her own then got frustrated and hired someone to do it. We do our own baseboards, and that's easy, but I heard the crown stuff is harder.
Hope that helps!
Jewels, I love your blog!
Crown molding--hire it out. Seriously. It can only lead to pain and sorrow if you don't.
As for your invites, they're SO GREAT!!! Now I want you to throw me a party... a party just... cuz.... ya like me? I just want someone to make me some cool invites!
Oh, and I'm signing in under this name now. You can take down my other link and just put this one in from now on (cuz I'm bossy like that). I'm just tired of leading a double life. Sigh!
Such cute invitations Jewels!
We don't have crown molding...but I've heard the cuts are pretty tricky. Cody is super handy though, so I'm sure you can handle it!
i'm pretty sure you can buy crown molding pre-painted. who knows how good it looks...i've been looking into this myself. i have lots of bold-colored walls and the crown moulding would really clean things up.
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