Today I was filmed for an advertising video for a Real Estate Firm. Woo-Hoo! Not super fancy, but who cares? I got a call from the guy who directed a play I was in last Fall and he needed someone to film this afternoon. I didn't really have any lines, just the fake stuff where it looks like I'm talking on the phone to someone when really I'm saying, "Ok, is that good? Do you want to do another take or should we go to the next shot?" I played a woman who is looking for a home and I call the info line on a For Sale sign in front of a house I like. Then they filmed the Realtor and I shaking hands before he leads me into the house to show it to me. Ta-Da! It only took one hour, but I made some cash and it was fun. How famous am I? Please, please - no more questions. I'll sign autographs on my way out...
Wow!!! That is so so so cool! Okay so it was a commercial. Still... I'm feeling a bit star struck. Hey, if you ever hear about someone wanting to cast an overweight dark haired haggered mommy for something, you be sure and give them my name!!! :-)
Well, you are more famous than me... so.... I can't come here anymore.
I kid, I kid.
And you can link me anytime! I'll be a linkin' you and look at me! I didn't even ask!
Where is my blog-eqette.
That is so cool? When do we see it?! I am going to tell everyone that I know the HOT CHIKA who is buying the house!
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