Her secret? To make me depressed. I love VS as much as the next girl. I admit that I get excited when the glossy pink pages of the latest VS catalog arrive in my mailbox. Such cute things! So sassy! So 'meow'! However, when one is pregnant? Those glossy pink pages are the last thing I want to flip through.
This happened to me on Saturday. Cody, Cache and I had come home after an evening drive and decided to spend some time in the yard. While Cody watered the plants, I went through the mail and saw the new VS catalog. "Maybe they'll have some empire-waisted shirts that I could wear while I'm pregnant?" I told myself. Big mistake.

I proceeded to turn page after page looking at the tan, flawless models. *sigh*. And yes, we all know they are air-brushed and all that crap, but I've got to be honest - I'm not thinking that when I'm looking at them. I'm thinking, "Whoa...I should probably stop eating all together and take up residence in a gym." It's the same thing with scary movies. I'm not watching the movie thinking, "Hmmm, I wonder how they got that shot to look like her head is getting chopped off". No, no. I'm thinking, "AAHHHHH! Her head just got chopped off!!"
Needless to say I finished the magazine with a sad little laugh. It's a silly thing, I admit! I will still buy fashion mags (have I mentioned that I'm addicted to those?) and flip through the occasional VS swimsuit issue. Besides, when it comes down to it I don't know that I would even attempt to wear half of the things that are in the VS catalogs anyway. Then again, who knows when I'll need a sexy ruffled bikini to wear while I shop for fresh flowers?
ha. you crack me up. bikini days...oh how i miss them. i fear those days are long gone....especially with my mom in town-she brought home a 5 lb bag of Pepperidge Farms Brussels cookes from the factory in Logan the other day!!!! They are my favorite. Even after eating them for breakfast, lunch and dinner for four days straight I'm not sick of them! Why was I cursed with this sweet tooth?!
Bah, who needs a VS body anyway.
I think you're a hottie, and I'll go shopping for flowers with you whilst half nude any day.
Hahahaha. You're SO RIGHT! You never know when you'll have to have that particular bikini in order to go shopping. hahaha
Hehehe! You make me laugh! I think the models should go eat a hamburger or something- sheesh!
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